Mind’s Eye

by admin Feb 5, 2006 3 Comments

Filed under: Creativity,Knowledge

If I were to ask a person with normal vision, the question, “What is seeing?�� I probably would hear something like, “The ability to perceive through the eyes.�

Enter Esref Armagan, a blind painter form Turkey, and one look at his paintings of houses, fruits, mountains, butterflies, and faces — would make you wonder, “How does he see?â€Â? His painting of things, he has never seen, is both puzzling and intriguing. These paintings raise questions like how the mind actually sees things, constructs them, and remembers them as images? How does the Mind’s Eye really work?

New Scientist article–art of seeing without sight–provides an insight into seeing and the Mind’s Eye, as they dredge deep into the intriguing mind of Esref Armagan.


  • Tarun

    Feb 6, 2006 | 11:51 pm


    Has he been blind from birth? If so, even books and music couldn’t assist him in creating art so close to visual reality.

    Isn’t the minds eye dependant on memory to create images that are close to physical reality?

  • KarmaDude

    Feb 7, 2006 | 12:33 am

    This is what I could find in the article about his vision as an infant.

    One of his eyes failed to develop beyond a rudimentary bud, the other is stunted and scarred. It is impossible to know if he had some vision as an infant, but he certainly never saw normally and his brain detects no light now

    Mind’s eye is the mental faculty of conceiving imaginary. It could use memory, depending on what’s already present in memory. You might want to look further into visual intelligence studies to get a better understanding.

  • KarmaDude » Night T&hellip

    Feb 28, 2006 | 12:15 pm

    […] What is puzzling to me is what does an eight month old child dream about or see, that causes them such terror and fear?, especially when an episode can last up to thirty minutes! Could they be seeing something from a past life? Or could it be images from a memory they inherited genetically from everyone who came before them? Or is it the creation of a mind still learning to paint a picture in the mind’s eye? We can only speculate on this, as there is no way to know what an eight month old child is seeing. […]

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